"A Letter from California" in Majuscule Lit


Dwayne follows his black lab down the gravel driveway to greet us, using a maul as a walking stick. We are two wives in upscale casual clothes, with our geriatric dogs and preposterous notion of a holiday. He’s our age, wearing boots saturated with round-the-clock dust, and there’s something dazed and profoundly literal about him. He says he used to have seizures—15,000 of them, by his math—but he had brain surgery a year ago, “and now the world looks very different.” He blinks mildly at us from underneath his buzzcut.

...Read the rest of the essay on Sonoma County's 2017 wine country fires here, at Majuscule Lit, a new online journal. Thank you, Michael Lindgren, for publishing it!

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